The entire Company from the Board of Directors, the Board of Commissioners, and the employees are committed to implementing corporate governance principles to the highest standards. The principles of transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence, and fairness are values that must be upheld by the Company.

The implementation of the entire values is expected to ensure the Company’s sustainability, provide high competitiveness, and also gain the trust of various stakeholders, ie. shareholders, employees, communities, and other stakeholders. In practice, in the implementation of Good Corporate Governance, hereinafter referred to as GCG, the Company adopted the basic principles that can be seen from operating activities as follows:

1. Transparency

The Company discloses information in a timely, appropriate, clear, and accurate way through adequate communication lines so that it can be easily accessed by all stakeholders in accordance with their rights. The information includes, but is not limited to matters relating to the vision, mission, and business objectives, as well as corporate strategy, financial condition, management’s composition and compensation, the controlling shareholder, executive officer, organizational structure, risk management, internal control systems, and the system and implementation of GCG, and important events that may affect the Company. The adopted principle still does not reduce the obligation to protect confidential information about the Company in accordance with the rules and legislation.

2. Accountability

The Company ‘s management system clarifies the function, implementation, and accountability of each part. The implementation is manifested through reports of operational and financial matters that will be reviewed by the Board of Commissioners and the Public Accounting as a form of accountability to shareholders in the General Meeting of Shareholders. The application of the accountability principle is also reflected in the establishment of various Committees under the Boards, as well as the establishment of the Internal Audit Division.

3. Responsibility

The Company continues to comply with the rulesand legislations by applying the principles of healthy corporate. The Company focuses on running its operations by emphasizing the principle of reciprocity that is appropriate to bring benefits to all stakeholders. The Company also acts as a good corporate citizen by taking into account the aspects of our operations for the benefit of the community and the environment around the operational area.

4. Independency

The Company ensures itself to be free or not bound by any potential conflict of interest that may bring the Company under pressure from any party. Any decisions made based on objective thinking through task implementation in accordance with the functions and responsibilities contained in the Articles of Association.

5. Fairness

The Company gives equal attention to all stakeholders based on the principle of fairness. The Company is open to any input and advice to be conveyed by all stakeholders to ensure reciprocity relations in accordance with the rights and obligations of each party.