Economic Performance

Economic Performance

The continuity of the Company’s business is inseparable from the maintained economic performance, both in terms of superior operational performance and sound financial conditions. In striving for sustainability, we build a production and distribution system that streamlines work processes, time and costs.  We also maintain the supply chain of goods and/or services through cooperation with Subsidiaries, namely NMJ and PBK that carry out mining support services, as well as mutually beneficial partnerships with local suppliers and national suppliers. In addition, we are actively exploring the potential for new sales contracts in the long- and medium-term targeting end users, especially those related to power plant needs, to maintain the Company’s operational and financial sustainability. We are considering optimizing efficiency as well as creating an advantage in business competition by blending coal that does not meet the sales criteria with high-calorie coal. This strategy is seen as capable of producing coal products with more competitive selling prices and maximizing the Company’s operating profit.

Operational and Financial Performance Achievement
Mining Operation Innovations
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In carrying out operational activities, the Company through its Subsidiaries always seeks to implement innovations in order to generate added value while minimizing potential negative risks. The innovations implemented by the Company Association, namely IPC, are the implementation of the daily digging plan, the implementation of the Production and Shipping Information System (SIPP), and the Corporate Information System and Enterprise (CISEA). Refinement of the SIPP Program to IPCIS (IPC Information System) including the Coal Hauling Tracking System, data records of weighing results by system, realtime production monitoring, is still continuing for other operational activities.

The Company’s Subsidiary, namely TRA, has also made the RTH (Real Time Hauling) application to determine the position of the truck, travel time and damage to the truck monitored using simple technology in the form of Whatsapp Bot (auto response). Information about the hauling road related to weather, damaged trucks (info storing) and the number of loaded and unloaded trucks can be found along the hauling road.